Additional Sources

These are the sources I looked up while doing my research.

Maher, Ryan. "Lowering Drinking Age (Economic Benefits)." Searching About

Something. Ed. Ryan Maher. Ryan Mah, 2 May 2012. Web. 6 Nov. 2013.


The author explains to the audience , the economic benefits of lowering the drinking age to 18. He was probably trying to reach a common audience because he wrote it as his opinion just for those interested in the subject. This article was affective because it gave effective reasonings to why this was beneficial, lowering drinking age to 18, economically. The other articles may have said only one line about economic benefits but this one went further into it. Cognac, 2013. Web. 6 Nov. 2013. <

The author addresses the 15 most common reasons as to why people think that lowering the drinking age is beneficial. They also include 4 scenarios on how the legal drinking age doesnt work and effects rights as "legal adults." This article is to shift the audiences point of view towards lowering the drinking age to 18. The article seems to get many request to be used in research papers. The audience they may have been writing to is people who may disagree with lowering the legal drinking age to 18. Its based on many peoples opinions. This article seemed to stand out perfect for the "For" paper because it was strictly on that side.

"Drinking Age.", 18 Mar. 2011. Web. 10 Nov. 2013.


This site is a great source for this assignment. It begins by giving the facts behind Alcohol and the age. Then it moves to pros and cons to lowering the drinking age to 18. It states the opinion to why or why not and then gives reasonings behind it. The another was most likely trying to reach the audience that was neutral to the situation or unsure. This site is very useful in deciding what side you would be on.

Wechsler, Henry, and Toben F. Nelson. "Will Increasing Alcohol Availability By Lowering The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Decrease Drinking And Related Consequences Among Youths?." American Journal Of Public Health 100.6 (2010): 986-992. Business Source Complete. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.

The author uses research and data on how people, specifically colleges, feel abou tthe legal drinking age and if it is effective. He gives the facts behind the history of creating the drinking age and how it became the age it is today. He then moves on to evaluate how and why certain colleges feel the age should be lowered. He explains their point of view and then seems to give reasons to why this would be a bad idea. He still uses facts, not really any personal feelings toward the subject. He gives the audience good points and facts on the subject.

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