
This is the letter I sent to my College President to inform him on the issue. 
Here is a link to his contact info.

Office of the President
Stevenson University

1525 Greenspring Valley Rd.

Stevenson, Maryland

To the President of Stevenson University,
I am writing to you to today to bring up an issue that has most likely come to your attention in the past, underage drinking.  It’s a pretty well known subject especially at University’s.  I, as a freshman at Stevenson University, want to help change the issue and I’m hoping you will help me.  As known, the current drinking age is 21 but there are various reasons as to why this should be lowered.  It can stop excessive drinking as well as provide a safer environment.
Lowering the drinking age could actually help prevent the amount of drinking done with 18 to 20 year olds.  Young adults tend to be rebellious; therefore they are more tempted to do things that they aren’t supposed to.  Drinking is defiantly one of those things.  If we lower the dinking age then drinking will become less tempting because they are allowed to do it.  Also the quantities in which they consume it at once can lower as well.  This age group doesn’t know the next time they will get alcohol so they try to consume as much as they can at once.  This is why there are so many incidents where teens overdose on alcohol.  Lowering the drinking age to 18 will prevent this because they will no longer feel the need to excessively drink because they can always obtain it legally.
Not only will lowering the drinking age help lower drinking problems but also it will provide a safer environment.  Underage drinkers cannot drink in public so they have secret parties in secluded areas where it’s hard to authority to get to.  This is dangerous because if a problem occurs, or it is a life or death situation, it’s hard for help to get there in time because the area is so secluded.  Worst they may not even call for help because they don’t want to get into trouble so they just try to handle the situation by themselves.  Lowering the drinking age will allow 18 and older groups to drink in public, which will allow them to be monitored properly.  Also with 18 and older groups being allowed to have access to alcohol, it can provide more jobs such as bartending.  Also the school could sell alcohol, which can bring in more money for the school.
With this information I hope you take in consideration on supporting this act.  Many other presidents of colleges have agreed that lowering the drinking age will benefit college safety.  There is a group they have organized if you are interested and I have attached the link at the bottom.  If you do support this act this a great way to show your support.  Thank you for your time.

Whitney McClain

Works Cited
Maher, Ryan. "Lowering Drinking Age (Economic Benefits)." Searching About
     Something. Ed. Ryan Maher. Ryan Mah, 2 May 2012. Web. 6 Nov. 2013.
Cognac.com. Cognac, 2013. Web. 6 Nov. 2013. <http://www.cognac.com/
"Drinking Age." ProCon.org. ProCon.org, 18 Mar. 2011. Web. 10 Nov. 2013.

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